October 10, 2017

To Smoke or Not To Smoke

In today's society, especially among st the youth young adults, marijuana has been a topic of controversy for years. Why you may ask ? Well this is because there are always two sides of the spectrum. there is how marijuana can benefit your health and there is how it can harm your health. My side to this story or my argument for marijuana is that it should be legalized because of its numerous health benefits and should be closely monitored on how it is used medically and used when recreational.

The documentary that I watched on Netflix some time ago is called "The Culture High". This documentary is about the marijuana prohibition and the war on drugs in the United states. The Culture High tears into the very fiber of the modern day marijuana debate to reveal the truth behind the arguments and motives governing both those who support and oppose the existing pot laws. So this post will be directed towards the individuals in the movie who oppose marijuana be used.

Firs tlets going into law. According to what was stated in the movie, there are budgets to fight marijuana going into the billions, all to keep marijuana away. Not only could be using those billions to further research marijuana and its potential benefits to society, but we could also be using those billions to further other projects such as restoring clean water to Flint or putting those funds to aid the poor in other countries. According to the movie, there has also been numerous studies proving the benefits of marijuana. In one scene a study was shown conducted by the University of California, San Diego showed that a series of small human trials found cannabis to be effective in treating pain in patients with multiple sclerosis and HIV. Another scene showed a study conducted by Harvard showed that in a sample size of 1000 with multiple sclerosis, 93% showed a relief in pain for long periods of time.

What other rebuttal could there be? One of the only harms of marijuana is illegal distribution. Right now Marijuana is a illegal in a couple of different places so people are obviously finding ways to get marijuana in the states they reside in, thus resulting in unnecessary arrests. Besides this I cant find any other harm in Marijuana. If Marijuana is regulated and monitored closely by the FDA then there is little to no harm in the usage. That is just my argument.

1 comment:

  1. One thing that I think makes an argument stronger is showing a deep understanding of the counter arguments and addressing those counter arguments head on. I think that you could look more closely at the counter arguments to legalization and spend more time to address them. A few arguments that I've heard against legalization is the concern that it will be easier for kids to get marijuana, worry that it will lead to increased acceptance of marijuana and thus increased usage, potential health dangers of marijuana such as potential harm to those with mental health issues, and that marijuana might lead to harder drugs.

    I'd also like to hear if there was anything in the film that you disagreed with and if so, why you disagreed with it.
