You may think that you have seen it all when it comes to time traveling shows, but are you in for a hoot or what. Have you ever had the thought of what if this whole life is imaginary, or what if everybody around me was working together to save the world, but no one knew. I would not consider Travelers as being one of your ordinary time travel shows. This show is science fiction, but the directors very lightly touch on the scientific aspect of time travel. The question that the viewers are left with is who is real and who is a Traveler from back in time.
Travelers is nothing new when it comes to shows on time travel, but the unique thing about this show is that the travelers move from the future to the present. A specific group of 5 individuals from the future take over the lives and bodies of 21th century individuals just before they are about to pass away. I really love how the show portrays the “passing over” scenes. With each of the 5 individuals whose bodies are used as a host for the travelers, there is a clock in which has the hosts estimated time of death. The clock slowly winds down and the next thing the viewers know, the travelers are waking up after death (most from hitting their heads on something.) The hosts have learned to send their conscious thoughts into their past. They take all the knowledge and the lifestyles of the persons body they inhabited. That however leads them to inheriting their hosts lives with all its up sides and all its down sides. Some of these Include drug addictions, illnesses, and abusive boyfriends/ baby daddys.
It is intriguing how this show takes place in our present, but the travelers are from hundreds of years in our future. Where they are from, the present is long gone, and humanity is endangered. No one really knows where the travelers universe is located or what their lives looked like before coming to the 21st century, but what the viewers do know is that the travelers came here for one reason and one reason only. That reason is to carry out missions that will hopefully prevent humankind’s tragic fate. Not until the end of episode two of season one, do the viewers discover that the travelers are far from being alone in the present day. There are tons of other travelers all over the world, but everyone has a different idea about what saving the world should look like or even means. This is why not every mission is pleasant. Going off of that, not all the travelers are pleasant people either.
My theory about Travelers is that it would never work in real life because of something called the “grandfather paradox.” This basically states that if one were to go back in time and kill their grandfather, then technically in the future that person would not be in existence. Therefore one could never go back in time and kill their grandfather so that he would be alive and then that person would exist again and alternate universe would be created. Overall this is a binge-watching show and I would recommend it, just keep the fact that this would never be plausible in real life in the back of your head.