While I was a sophomore in college, my friends Kayli and Megan were really urging me to watch this show about puberty with them and I was not too thrilled about it. The characters looked slightly strange and I wasn't sure how explicit the show was going to be. Despite the cartoon characters explicit language, it's very informative.
The theme song goes kind of like “I'm going through changes,” and the pictures shown were relating to the body of males and females which is not what I was expecting from a show that I thought was going to be informative for young teens. The theme song and pictures covered height, fertilization, development of breasts, the menstruation process, and developing armpit hair in about one minute or less. Just that part by itself tells alot about the show and I knew I was in for either disturbance or something just a tad bit worse than that.
The episode started with a 7th grade class watching a video about everything that was shown in the opening of the episode. Then, the episode skips to a scene to the two main characters, Andrew and Nick having a sleepover. Andrew was taking a shower until Nick walks in on him coming out of the shower and his towel falls off. After that day, Nick felt envious of Andrew’s genitals and decided to open up to his parents about it. As any parent should, Nick’s parents were completely understanding of his situation and tried their best to comfort him about his delayed progression in puberty. His parents expressed that everyone mature at different rates and his day will come. The parents understanding really surprised me because some parents avoid the conversation completely such as Andrew's father or would feel uncomfortable that their children are becoming young adults and not want to engage in the conversation.
I like the idea that Netflix is creating a show about puberty but the characters swear so much. This show clearly isn't meant for children but if so happen that they were, it would be too much for them to handle especially if they haven't been exposed to swearing. The child may start developing characteristics of those in the show which isn't something I would want. However, the show is very informative but is intended for a more mature audience and especially not for children, even though the concept of the show has good intentions.