October 14, 2017

Christina P: Mother Inferior

Molly McGrady

            This week I decided to watch a Netflix original comedy special done by Christina P. called Mother Inferior. It was actually pretty perfect because a lot of the topics she was covering were about things like parenting and younger generations, I know my mom would love the type of humor.

She just recently had a baby so she talked a lot about what that’s like in the beginning, and mostly it just made me appreciate all that my parents have done for me in my life, especially my mom. She put a funny twist on it of course but the jist of it is that people only talk about the awesome mushy gushy parts about parenting and the reality of it is that it’s actually extremely difficult at times. There is no doubt in my mind that this true. Having children is definitely something that I want to do someday, but I’m guessing it will be the most challenging thing that I’ll ever do but also the most rewarding I’m sure.

The next major topic that Christina covered was the differences between millennials and the Gen. X’s in her opinion. She said something that I think most older generations would agree with (heck I agree with it for sure), which was that the reason why the younger generations are hated on so much right now is because we all have too high of self esteem and like ourselves too much. I think people throughout the ages have been obsessed with their image for a long time, but it’s a lot worse now because we’re all over social media and get used to all the attention we get from it. Not everyone, but I do think a lot of us are very self-interested. I can admit that I am sometimes guilty of having an obsession with my image and the way people perceive me. In some ways it’s almost hard not to in this day and age. At the end of the day everyone just needs to surround themselves with people who keep them down to earth and remind them that we are all just people like the other eight billion on the planet; you’re not any more special than anyone else. Something that gives me a lot of hope and excitement though is the fact that I am at the very head of the new generation after the millennials and we haven’t really had a chance to prove ourselves to the world yet, since the oldest of us are still just getting into our twenties. Hopefully we can turn around the trend of young people being too egotistical and self-interested.

The other thing she talked about that I know you really agree with is how annoying it is that everyone is constantly getting offended by everything these days. She is very right about that and the way she talked about it was hilarious. Basically, the next time you have a day off (maybe this Thursday when I’m home with you 😊) you should really watch this comedy special. I feel like there are few people in this world I know as well as you and  I just know that you’d love it.

1 comment:

  1. This was a very interesting discussion and it does look like a good show. I would love to watch it. But Mike just canceled Netflix. I can watch it with you when you come back because I think you have Netflix. The reality is that I do think that I remember the really good stuff of parenting and forget the hard times,but I have always said that parenting is the most important job and the hardest as well. I wouldn't trade it for anything. But going to work as a pharmacist is easier. I think that the reason the generation gets bad raps is partially our fault. We love our children so much and want what's best for them. I have both millennials and you as the Next Generation. I remember when Samantha, now 30, was young we had a song and her daycare called I am special so so special. I think that set up some issues that have now made it harder for your generation in the workforce and in relationships.I do hope that the Next Generation looks towards being more service-oriented, which I have seen in you. Social media has definitely played a part in augmenting our self-worth. And yet I think even your generation knows that the true moments in life that means something usually involve people getting together and talking and listening to each other. Going on social media can make you feel inferior because it looks like others have a better life. But social media is just a snapshot giving the world what we want them to see. And our true relationships with others, whether it be our children, friends or our coworkers are developed through time spent with them. And being a parent, although difficult at times, is rewarding because of those moments together when we get to be ourselves and deal with the issues at hand. I would challenge your generation when you do become parents to not constantly be looking for the next photo op to post but to just be in the moment My fear is that if you don't put down the phone, you will be missing out and that would be tragic. But we all, no matter what generation, need these reminders. What a great discussion. I'd love to talk to you about it more when I see you over Thanksgiving.
