October 8, 2017

Seeking for Advanture or Living a leisurely life?

Another week to choose an episode to write my blog. This week, unlike other blogs which I have written before, I am going to write a blog about a specific scene in the movie which contains two different opinions. Everybody will think that cartoon cannot have any two opposite viewpoints because it only focuses on one typical aspect. However, if the viewer only pays attention to a general plot of the episode without focusing on every detail, he or she cannot recognize a hidden angle which a cartoon has. In this blog, Dragons: Race to the Edge episode 4 season 1 will be my primary choice because in overall, people will think that this cartoon does not have anything to mention, but actually it does. This scene may not play a role in conveying the main plot of the episode, but it is a highlight of the whole movie. When Hiccup figures out a dragon eye is a new map which leads his gang to a new adventure of finding a new land and new dragon species, he right away goes to the Council asking for a permission. However, the Council does not allow him to seek an adventure because they are afraid that he will bring trouble to Berk. Three years living in peace, the Council does not want to relate to any problem. I think the Council's decision is acceptable to adults who want to stay out of the mess. Adventuring the whole life, fighting bad guys, killing many dragons, they have the right choosing retirement. Avoiding the danger and enjoying the peaceful life are the wonderful reward for the bravery and dedicated warrior just like the members of the Council. However, the Council is all Vikings, and the Viking is not an ordinary warrior. They are more than that. They are all sons of Odin, a mighty and powerful god in the Norse Myths, and the sons of Odin never stop seeking an adventure for any reason. Therefore, it is not right, on the other words not acceptable for the Viking to rest and live a leisurely life. Based on the spirit of the Viking, the chief of Berk, Hiccup's dad, gives an example of his and all the members of the Council's adventures to persuade the Council allowing his son to discover a new land. At the end, the Council has to agree with the chief's decision and approves Hiccup to go. The opposite opinions in this scene are one chooses to live in leisurely life and one wants to seek adventure. However, we have to look at the reality that the Council cannot apply their thought to a young person who wants to explore new things like Hiccup. A young person is similar to a baby bird. They only grow up when they leave their home to seek for adventure. At that time they will gain more experience and will grow up day by day. I think both options all have an acceptable purpose. The Council wants Berk to be safe and peaceful. Hiccup also wants good things to happen to Berk by finding a new frontier and new dragons. Because I also a young teenager who love travel and explore mysterious things, I will approve Hiccup to pursue his dream. Furthermore, if anyone wants to reject my judgment, they have to prove that the map is totally fake and there is no such thing called new continent and new dragon species.

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