September 21, 2017

I Get You

(I am writing this to Dev Shah from Master of None)
Tyler's is in love with his girlfriend Ali, but when a big fight makes him and Ali break up, he ends up making a big mistake with a girl he meets named Holly. The next morning he finds out that Ali is taking him back and he forgets all about Holly till he sees her again at his school. Turns out she’s the new girl and like every new girl she needs some friends. Her choice for a new friend just happens to be Ali.
This movie is not creepy, but at parts they play in close up shots and darker angles to give you a creepy feeling towards Holly’s actions. It very much makes you feel bad for Tyler and kind of scared of Holly and what she will do next. Holly is kind of creepy in the way she does things along with the fact she is unpredictable. I also know how much you love social media so how would you feel if you had a bad feeling about her like Ali’s best friend did and when you went to look her up you found nothing. There was no social media, no pictures, and no results. It was like she was nonexistent till they discovered her actual name. All of this mystery really made you wonder more about her.
This movie was also very focused on just a few characters, it really developed a personality of the 3 main characters and made it seem like you knew so much about them because there were only a few other people involved. They included both Ali and Tyler’s best friends whom you knew some about, but not like you knew the main three. The rest of the people you didn’t really get to know they were just included for effect and generally added character to the main 3. All of this really pulled you in closer to the movie and got you even more wrapped up in it. It made it seem like you know every detail about these three and that you knew them personally. I think this movie did a lot better job of personalizing it to you than most Netflix originals do.
This movie also did a great job of playing up Holly’s mental instability. It would take moments that could be completely normal and add a little bit of crazy from her. It was just little things and social cues, but they really impacted the way you saw her. She just seemed to be getting crazier and crazier to me as I was watching it. It was amazing to notice that much from small details. It really makes you realize that in a movie there are so many little details that make a world of difference in the final result.
Overall I think it was a great and thrilling movie and you would love it if you watched it. All the craziness and drama from holly and the way it all played out would make you fall in love with it.

1 comment:

  1. (As Dev): Whoa! Ashley, you just blew my mind. You know what you said about me loving social media? You literally could not be more on the nose with that. Who has literally no trace of themselves on the internet? That's some seriously messed up business. I don't think I'd be interested in being friends with someone like that. What's the point of friendship if you can't tag each other in Buzzfeed articles or post cute Snapchat stories of each other's breakfast? You literally couldn’t get any further away from the qualities I look for in a new friend. Even so, I might have to give this show a try. You know how I love living that dramatic life!!
