After enjoying everything Bojack Horseman had to offer, I decided to return this week to watch this incredible show once more, this time addressing the actors, or characters, and how they’re portrayed. Bojack Horseman is an animated show, so the characters and how they behave is exactly how the creator saw them. Normally, with humans, the script writer writes how he wants a character to be, but the actor adds his own personal touch. With animated shows, especially one such as Bojack Horseman, the characters are the perfect actors.
Bojack Horseman is a character that isn’t supposed to be relatable, and yet he is. Sometimes, characters will be created in the attempt to be simply relatable, yet Bojack is relatable, and at the same time, unrelatable. He’s a rich horse who takes horse tranquilizers and sleeps with actors who he knew as children. That isn’t something an average person can say they do. However, Bojack never takes the blame for the problems in his life, he is selfish and rude, and he’ll make mistakes. He embodies the ideas of a normal person, because those are traits a person would have, but he also shows how you should try your best to not be Bojack. No one wants to be a Bojack, because if you are one, that’s not good.
Another character that is more relatable is Todd Chavez, a slacker who stays with Bojack and, while able to do great things, doesn’t because he doesn’t have the support. Todd is a funny character, but he can also be shown to have a dark side. His character was specifically made to be seen with a bit of annoyance in how he behaves, yet when we see Bojack sabotage Todd’s chance at independence, we start to pity him. It’s not difficult to relate to someone who has lost their opportunity for something great from something out of their hands. Todd is someone who you truly can pity, but also empathize with.
Overall, the characters, or actors, in Bojack are well made, because they are the perfect vision from the creators. There is no differences, Bojack is just as he was created.
I was a bit confused when I was reading this post. Specifically, the part when you say Bojack is both relatable and unrelatable. I felt like this was very much just a description I would have liked to see a more personal approach. Like for example How Bojack or Todd are relatable to you personally. I don't really know this show so I feel like I trying to look in from the outside but I would like to see some deeper insights. Like what audience do you think would connect to these characters and why?