Trailer Park Boys is a Canadian television show that follows the misadventures of Ricky, Julian, and Bubbles in a Nova Scotia trailer park. Netflix took over Trailer Park Boys for season 8 and on. Netflix gave the The show focuses on how the trio will make money. The trio has tried anything from growing dope to selling clean urine. This is the basis of the show, and it goes off on many tangents. Nearly every season begins with the gang getting out of jail, and the seasons typically end with them going back. This is a show that will have you constantly laughing. Trailer Park Boys is a nonstop gut busting series that holds a special place in my heart.
The show has many great aspects that I love to share with people, but I’m going to narrow it down to a couple. The first aspect that really sticks out to me from the show, is the style it is shot in. Trailer Park Boys is shot in a mockumentary camera style and adds to the originality of the show. I could say that I have a slight bias, because this is my favorite style of camera angle. For example, Paranormal Activity really grabbed by attention because of the camera style. This camera style, allows the show to capture the hijinks in an unique way that sets it apart from others.
The comedy in this show is slapstick crazy. This is a show that I have been physically sore from laughing. The ridiculousness that happens, leaves my jaw open. The get rich quick scams never get old, and they never stop amazing me. The best part of the comedy to me, is from actor Rob Wells. Rob plays the character Ricky in the show, and is depicted as being very dumb. The fans of the show have labeled Ricky’s misplaced words “Rickyisms.” For example, Ricky has said “Brain Phones” when meaning smart phones. The comedy is constant throughout each episode, making it hard to stop watching.
The last aspect of the show that really keeps me going back, is the character attachment and development. The majority of the characters have been on the show since it’s start, which causes a great attachment to the characters you like. For instance, one of the main characters of the show recently passed away in real life. In the upcoming season, they are finding a way to write his character out due to his irreplaceability. Fans are so connected to the current actor, that changing actors and keeping the same character, would cause a huge uproar. This causes a much stronger fanbase, than a show without character development.
Trailer Park Boys is a show that I will always go back to watch. I have a strong connection with nearly all of the characters. This is a show that I can watch any time of the day, or even while i’m doing homework. I would recommend Trailer Park Boys to nearly anyone that enjoys a ridiculous comedy show.
I really liked the part about character development and attachment. This made me want to watch the show.