March 3, 2018

4 Ways Latin America’s Environment is being Destroyed

I recently watched a few episodes of Netflix’s new original series 72 Dangerous Animals: Latin America. While the show was very interesting and had many points I found intriguing, often what I was thinking about was how these animals and others are threatened due to climate change. I therefore have decided to make a list of a couple ways the changing climate and increase in human interaction harms the animals on the show. The conflict surrounding this issue is fierce and extensive. I personally believe that preserving the environment and the animals that live there are important to our future on this planet and as a species, and therefore we should work as a society to solve issues of climate change, human encroachment on their territory, and massive extraction of resources. Saying that, though, I understand that the things on this list cannot be accomplished overnight, for the economy would fail if they were employed quickly. All of the things I think society needs to accomplish must be done over a long period of time with constant attention payed to the global economy. Here are 4 ways Latin America’s environment is being damaged:

1. Deforestation- Massive removal of trees can lead to destruction of habitats for animals and rapid changes in the ecosystem. “Forests are home to many of the world’s most endangered wildlife,” says the WWF in their mission statement. This holds true, the show 72 Most Dangerous Animals: Latin America states this often. Many of the animals on their lists are endangered or near endangered, often due to destruction of their habitat.

2. Extreme weather patterns- Climate change, studies show, creates more extreme weather patterns that can be very damaging to vulnerable species. The extreme patterns can lead to weather patterns that are abnormal or can lead to more frequent natural disasters. One example of this is a change in precipitation. A recent study by NASA showed that precipitation in the US has increased. This can lead to flooding that could kill many animals and destroy habitats. Another worry is lack of rain. Many places may experience drought due to changing weather.

3. Increased human interaction- Due to increasing travel and decrease in land reserved for animals interactions between the animals in the show and human is constantly increasing. This is harmful for people, because the animals on the list are often deadly and can kill people they interact with. This often leads to these animals being killed on sight, leading to decreases in their populations.

4. Rising Ocean Levels- Due to melting ice caps, ocean levels are rising. This is problematic for much of Central America, for it is low lying. This of course could lead to flooding destroying all habitations, animal and human. Another threat would be turning of fresh water sources to salt water. This would be especially prominent in marshy areas, or areas close to the ocean. Again these can kill many people and animals.

Overall I find this issue to be important and pressing. In order to save ourselves and other species, we need to work together to save our environment and the creatures, even the 72 most deadly, that live in it.

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