Comedy star Adam Devine stars in feature length Netflix original film, The First Time We Met. The film follows a young man pursuing the girl of his dreams. When things go terribly wrong one night, Devine wakes up in his bed from three years ago. The film nearly mirrors that of the Bill Murray cult classic, Groundhog Day. This movie is categorized as a romantic comedy, as Adam tries to win back the girl while living the same day for possibly the rest of his life. This film is full of gut busting laughs and an emotional roller coaster ride. While not particularly a fan of romantic comedies, this is one that I thoroughly enjoyed, even with it being predictable.
The aspect that drew me to the film in the first place, was that Adam Devine stars in it. The trailer shows hilarious dialogue between himself and the girl in pursuit. The trailer showed it more as a comedy, but the actual film was predominantly a romantic flick. Adam Devine also stars in one of my favorite TV shows of all time, Workaholics. Adam Devine is a slapstick style comedian with a gait and personality similar to that of Jim Carrey. In the film, Adam is able to portray the hopeless love lost boy very well. Even though Adam Devine is primarily a comedic actor, he provokes emotions very well in the film. After viewing this Netflix original, it would be hard to picture the film without Adam as the lead role.
The story of the film was surprisingly satisfying. Even though there are countless films that follow the plot line of this, the ending had a certain twist that made it stand out from the rest. The purpose of him reliving each day, is to become the man she wants through trial and error. I will say in response to the good ending, it is what saved the movie from a disaster. The overuse of this idea would have made the movie boring, but the twists incorporated separate of Groundhog Day, made the film unique and interesting.
The romanticism in the movie was very well done. Emotions flood your thought process throughout the entire film. I wouldn't say that I cried, but quite possibly a tear was shed. The constant rise and fall of the relationship, kept me on my toes. I found myself rooting for them to end up together the entire film, and upset when Adam did something to destroy the relationship. The film had a style of provoking emotion followed by a comedic bit. The comedic relief prevented the movie of feeling sad, but had the underlying tones. Even as someone that dislikes romantic comedies, this is one that I have recommended to my guy friends.
The First Time We Met was a film that provoked a lot of different emotions from the viewers. The Groundhog Day inspired Netflix original romantic comedy film is one that I will recommend to many in the years to come. The film took an old idea and made it into a unique, interesting film. Adam Devine grabbed my attention and kept it until the end. I would say, I thoroughly enjoyed this film.
This is a great summary and makes me want to watch it.