This weeks blog post is going to be focusing of Netflix's original (originally from A&E Network) series Longmire. This series focuses on a small time sheriff for Absaroka County, Wyoming. The show takes an interesting spin on a small law-enforcement style show. Though not originally a Netflix series the show does have many makings of Netflix series.
Longmire starts out by building up the character of Walter "Walt" Longmire as a somewhat detached sheriff. What I found interesting was the setting of the show. Even though it's clear that the show wasn't set in the past it has that appearance of age that is often found in small-town shows. Especially since Walt drive's a 90's Ford Bronco even though his deputies are seen driving much newer vehicles. The choice to drive an older vehicle as well as to go without cell phone helps to setup Longmire as an old time old school sheriff. In this small town it seems like many characters are built very similar to Longmire. Driving older vehicles and trying to live in a style much more like an old western movie, or something of the like. In my history I've seen very similar styles in small towns. It seems like everyone in a small town likes to drive old trucks and live a small town life.
Along with the setting and the building of the character is the police work that is done by Walt. Walt has a very informal look into police work that is seen by him sneaking around in the back of a truck to get onto an Indian Reservation, attempting to fire a weapon in the office (even though he knew that the weapon would not fire), and smelling a weapon to decide whether it had been fired recently or not. These little stunts were all surefire ways to get the information he was trying to get, but wall seem rather reckless in their own respects. However all of these methods helped to solve his problems without having to go through tedious ballistic tests or by having to wait for the tribal police who would most likely not help anyway. All of these ways help to find whatever information he needs in a much more efficient manner then his Deputy Branch.
All of these methods-setting, character design, and character's actions-help to build up the character of Walt Longmire. Even in the first episode Walt is built to be an anti-hero who, though with unorthodox ways, manages to do excellent police work that is levels above what the his Deputies can manage on their own.
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