November 2, 2017

The Fundamentals of Caring

This movie is based around Ben, a retired writer. Needing a new job, he takes a six-week course to become a caregiver. He gets a job taking care of an 18-year-old boy Trevor who suffers from  Muscular Dystrophy . Trevor is a sardonic, anxious boy with a fascination with American roadside attractions. They decide to go on a road trip and see some of these sights. Throughout the road trip they make new friends and have a lot of new adventures. This movie is a good way to learn a few different things but I will touch on two of them.
Lesson number 1. No matter what you have to stay positive. Throughout this movie you watch as they go through many different challenges in everyday life. Trevor whom has a pretty sad life always stays positive; he says funny things about his condition and continuously keeps his head up. In life if you do this you will be happier, you will always have challenges in life but if you face it with positivity you will enjoy life so much more and stay happier.
Lesson number 2. Make the most out of life. Life is full of opportunity and chances and you have to take them. In this movie it portrays this perfectly; Trevor is affected with muscular dystrophy and before the trip spends all of his time sitting in front of the TV not doing anything. After Ben comes into his life it changes everything. This trip is all about him going out and experiencing new things, item about him traveling and doing what he wants to do and getting the most out of life.  This trip changed both of them for the better and made life better for them. After the trip Ben decides to sign his divorce papers and go back to writing. The trip made Ben realized there was more for him in life than the past and that he needed to move on and do more with his life.

These two lessons are very important to know and to think of from time to time. Sometimes when you don’t want to do something or aren’t looking forward to doing it all you have to do is be more positive and think the best about the situation. It’s important to go through life with a positive outlook and to really enjoy your life. Also you only have one life to live it to the fullest, enjoy every chance you get and don’t let it pass you up. There’s one thing that I like to think of when I’m making decisions, I always wonder if I will regret not doing it. I want to do everything life can provide and live it to the fullest, enjoying every moment.

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