Dear future husband,
(I really hope you read that in Meghan Trainor's voice if you're reading this)
So by the time you read this, Netflix might not even be a thing anymore, but I'm writing this blog post for a class called 'Netflix and Quill' so that's pretty fun. We watch Netflix originals and then write about them in various ways, one of them being a weekly blog post.
This week I decided to watch this show called Big Mouth, and although we only have to watch the first episode, I went ahead and watched the whole first season whoops. I had no idea what to expect, and it definitely was not like I guessed it'd be. It's this animated show about middle school kids going through puberty, sounds super weird I know, stay with me. In the show there is a monster called the hormone monster that follows the characters around giving them horrible and cliché, but hilarious advice on how to handle everyday scenarios that accompany going through puberty. A big part of its appeal to me and why it was so funny was because it was just so relatable, like so many of the things that happened to the main girl character in the show happened to me at that age. I can't vouch for the accuracy of the boy characters in the show, but I have a feeling they were also extremely accurate. If that show is still around we can watch it and you tell me if you relate to it or if I'm just a weirdo. I'm guessing you would find it funny, because whoever I end up marrying probably has a similar sense of humor; basically what I mean is hopefully you're as messed up as I am. In fact, I can't wait to mess with our kids when they're around that age. The parents in this show were some of the funniest characters, and they were so stereotypically embarrassing parents. I only hope we can be half as good as them at embarrassing our children when the time comes.
Puberty is such a weird time, it's so crazy how much those few years shape you into the person you'll be for the rest of your life. I have so many cringy stories to tell you from those days, and I'm sure you'll have some good ones as well. I can't decide if puberty is worse for girls or guys, but my gut is to say that it's worse for girls, but I'm also probably just saying that because that's the only perspective I know. I mean one thing that's for sure is that it's no walk in the park for either gender. If you're like me and like to argue about everything under the sun we can hash it out at some point.
It's a lot harder than I thought it'd be to write to you, having no earthly idea who you are considering I am as single as could be at the moment. I wonder if you are someone that I already know or have ever met... That is freaky stuff honestly. All I know is I am so excited to meet the love of my life eventually, although I have no clue when that will be. It's like a Netflix and chill partner that you get forever, I can't wait to binge watch stuff with you all the time as I'm sure we will. Well, this has been fun, hopefully I'll remember that I wrote this one day so I can show you how lame my twenty year old self was.
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