February 3, 2018

Marvel's Daredevil

In the Netflix original series by Marvel, Daredevil, it stars a blind lawyer from New York City who fights crime as a vigilante known as The Daredevil or The Devil of Hell’s Kitchen. One may ask themself, “How is someone that is blind able to fight and run around without running into things or being killed”. I myself thought this when I read the description for the show. Then, come to learn, he has such a heightened sense of hearing and fighting training that allow him to perceive what is around him. Every good superhero needs a good alter ego, do they not? Well the Daredevil has an amazing alter ego named Matt Murdock, the blind lawyer that uses his wit and disability to help him win defense cases to help the most sincerely deserving people. He works alongside his best friend Franklin Nelson or as he is usually called, Foggy. They have their very own small scale law firm that takes very few cases and usually for little to no money. Foggy, however does not know about Matt’s alter ego until later on in the show but when he learns, the two begin to drift apart. Matt continues to try to make Hell’s Kitchen a better place to live by being the vigilante the city needs. The training that Matt, or The Daredevil, received to become a vigilante was provided by an old blind martial arts master named Stick. He is a member of a secret organization called the Chaste, which he divulges very little information through the duration of the show about the organization or their goals. One thing that we do know from the show is that the Chaste are in a long running war with another secret organization called the Hand. Stick had an apprentice before he started to train Matt, her name is Elektra. He eventually abandoned her because she was growing too strong. When she inevitably came back into the picture, Stick tried to use Elektra to recruit Matt to rejoin with Stick to fight the Hand. Matt was opposed to fighting  in a war that he knew so little about, and tried to convince Elektra to not go down that path with Stick. Elektra joined Matt, angering Stick who decided that Elektra needed to be killed.This is all happening while, at the same time, Matt was protecting the city from Wilson Fisk in season one and Frank Castle, also known as Punisher, in season two. Wilson Fisk, or Kingpin,  is a powerful businessman that is trying to run the city and Matt tries to take him down. In the second season, Frank Castle is a very deadly foe that wants to get rid of crime like Matt but in a very different manner. He kills with deadly precision and accuracy. He took out multiple, full gangs on his own with using guns and deathly force. Overall this is a very good, action packed, show that contains violence, romance, and a good deal of blind martial arts.

1 comment:

  1. Beyond just a summary of the episode, what significance does it have for everyday life that a superhero is blind and his altar ego is a lawyer? What about Superman being an alien and being a news reporter?
