Marvel’s The Punisher is a dark and intriguing Netflix original. The plot follows the villain from Daredevil season 2, Frank Castle, 6 months after his final killing spree. In the first episode, “3AM,” Frank is having flashbacks of playing guitar with his daughter. Before the show takes place, Frank’s family, a wife and two children, were brutally murdered in the crossfire of a gang fight, as far as the viewer knows. He then made it his mission to exterminate all gangs in the city to avenge his family. His tragic history and violent actions create a brilliant base for a great show.
The most striking thing about The Punisher for a first-time watcher was the empathy felt for a man with such a violent history. Immediately after the murder of his family, Frank decided to go on a murder mission of his own. As the viewer should know, his actions were not those of a morally sound person. However, the show constantly dives into flashbacks of sweet memories of Castle’s family. Especially during sleep, Frank has visions of his late wife waking him up for breakfast and smiling down at him. The sun shines behind her and the frame is filled with muted pastel colors. After a few minutes, Frank, along with the viewer gets ripped out of the dream and back into the dark reality. The pained expression Frank shows is one of a kicked puppy. The pained expression Frank shows is one of a kicked puppy. Seeing such a rough man with extreme pain shocks the viewer.
Along with the pain, Frank’s coworkers constantly throw around derogatory names and insults. They believe he is mentally challenged and simply someone to torment without consequence. All of them snicker and tease him relentlessly day after day. They rudely comment about his odd work habits and shove his things around without the thought of hurting the man’s emotions. The camera switches back and forth from their piercing smirks and Frank’s blank face. Once the coworkers turn and walk away for the night, anger floods Castle’s eyes as he continues to work. Consequently, he snaps back to his old violent ways and kills the gang that put him down every day as they attempt to kill the new recruit. Though most people would not resort to violence to resolve that issue of unjust treatment, viewers of The Punisher can most likely empathize with the need to finally snap and retaliate against such oppressors.
Marvel Entertainment and Netflix created a new TV show that might turn subscribers away from the violence. The empathy they cause, however, is well worth the gory scenes. The emotions conveyed make The Punisher truly excellent.
Works Cited
“The Punisher.” created by Steve Lightfoot, season 1, episode 1, Netflix, 17 Nov. 2017.
“Daredevil.” Daredevil, created by Drew Goddard, Netflix, 2015.
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