November 19, 2017

Chewing Gum

     I'm in a Netflix based writing class, we have to write blog posts every week and luckily, it's your turn to see what I've discovered today. I chose Chewing Gum and looking at the overview, I figured it wasn't something I would watch. After watching the first episode, I still stand with that belief. You may not like it either so just bare with me as we go through this.
     The series is a British sitcom but I never laughed, not even once. This could possibly be that the targeted audience is for teens. The sense of humor depicted in the show, isn’t appealing to me therefore, there's constant failed attempts of comedic outbursts. It also takes a consider amount to make me laugh, I'm not really a fan of comedy. I know you aren't either which is why I don't believe you would enjoy it either.
     The main character seems to have an obsession with growing up. The episode began with Tracey praying with her boyfriend to stay a virgin until marriage. However, clips of Tracey’s thoughts says otherwise. Truly, she's frustrated to lose her virginity. She was raised by a mother who’s a Pentecostal minister. Meanwhile, Tracey is merging into adulthood, sex-crazed, and in a constant state of controlled comic hysteria. She’s often unbearable, but her failed attempts at sophistication and seduction have failed her multiple times. “I’m not 17,” she says. “I’m a grown-up woman. I just — regularly make childlike mistakes.” Her constant wishes for adulthood gives me a disconnect with her. I find it so annoying that she's putting herself in so much pressure for sexual intercourse. It reminds me of children today, I wish it wasn't a depiction of the world today but sadly it is. Not only that but teens are watching this, possibly justifying their behavior similar to Tracey. I understand that it shows that viewers feel that they're not alone but younger children may have access to it and put ideas in their head that wasn't there before.
     I probably won't continue watching this show because I can't relate to the main character, as she's a mere child that fantasize of adult like things. Intimacy should come when the time is right, not conjuring thoughts of the action reoccurring in your mind. Tracey has some growing up to do and hopefully she learns that intercourse is something much more than what meets the eye, not just satisfaction but love, compatibility, and a connection that you feel with someone else when the time is right.

1 comment:

  1. I would not want my grandchildren watching this show. It appears to be a failed excuse for a comedy. When I was younger, television producers would not show such obscene acts on television but now that is the norm. It's quite ashame.
