The Great British Baking Show is an interesting twist on baking shows. Instead of the judges being so fun-loving and energetic, this show takes a different route in reality TV cooking, almost with an American Idol kind of style. The show has two judges, Mary and Paul. Mary is the bouncy, in your face kind of judge while Paul is more of a Simon type of character, where he is more of a jerk to the contestants. One of the episodes requires cooking a Swiss roll, and all of the contestants have to make their signature Swiss roll to please the judges.
As Mary and Paul go around to each chef, Mary encourages them, giving them positive feedback on their creation, while Paul doesn't. Paul is a jerk, don't be like Paul. Watching the chef's face drop as well as the music just sinking or playing a sad tune. It is really entertaining, just like in American Idol. It is also fun to see Paul scrutinize what could be your favorite character in the whole show.
Overall, The Great British Baking Show is a fun watch, as it takes the format of shows like American Idol and applies that to cooking. One hundred percent recommend it for anyone that is looking for a good cooking show.
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