Not every show makes references to Don Quixote, but within the first few minutes of episode 1108 The Many Loves of Hercules we hear one of the robots named Tom Servo say that the director is “the man of La Manca” as a reference to the musical about Don Quixote because of the director's last name of Manca. In the same episode, they mention a Marx brother, alien movies, and the designer of Central Park. This wide variety of jokes is an attempt appeal to a wide audience. Now while some may find the nerdier jokes off-putting and may think that they aren’t smart enough to enjoy the show, I ask them to give the show a try. While you might not get every joke, you will really appreciate the ones you do understand. It is also possible that you might so intrigued by a reference that you will look it up and become a more knowledgeable person.
Another aspect some people find difficult to enjoy is how terrible the movies are. I know personally that some movies are a slog to watch because they can be slow as molasses. However, it think this is mostly a hold over conception from the old series. I enjoy most of the movies from the revival more than the old ones. When I told my little brother about the movies that we’re riffed upon for the revival, he said he had watched one of them for fun already. In fact, there is an art to choosing a movie for Mystery Science Theater 3000. While you don’t want a terrible film that is neigh unbearable to watch, you also want to provide enough bad elements for the host and the bots to riff on. It think that the vast majority of the revival films walk this line very well. If a viewer was discouraged by the dullness of the films they viewed in the old series, I suggest the new series.
One aspect that has not changed is the humor. The bots and the host still mock movies and have separate parts of the show where they lambast different parts of the film on their own. Some people don’t like the making fun of the films, seeing as someone put some sort of an effort into the films. In fact, this mockery can some times be the best thing for these film. I sincerely doubt that Manos: The Hands of Fate would be any more than a film canister gathering dust in a vault we’re it not for the Mystery Science Theater 3000 crew. The cast of that film seems none to bothered with the mockery. While I can’t speak for all the actors and other artists involved in these projects, I don’t think many of them are to hurt with the mockery.
A last group of people may not connect with the idea of a guy in space. Mystery Science Theater 3000 isn’t just about a guy in space though. It is about forming and unusual family forming because of their isolation. While the bots may act like disrespectful toward Jonah, you can see that they do care for him, especially at the season finale (which I will not spoil.) This shows what the mad scientist sending up the movies should be studying, how do families form in bizarre circumstances. I think that Mystery Science Theater 3000 is a show that almost anyone can gain something from, but don’t just take my word for it. Maybe watch an episode in the not to distant future.
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