February 10, 2018

The Punisher

The Netflix Original The Punisher is an exciting and thriller show. It is about an ex marine named Frank Castle. When serving in the war he was ordered to do many things that he did not agree with. Certain corrupt people in the military were performing very unjust torturing techniques. Frank Castle new about the torturings so the military tried to kill him to keep it a secret. The military tried to kill him but he got away so they ended up killing his family. The military portrayed Frank Castle as a criminal and told people that he was killed. This makes for a great revenge storyline that sets up the whole show perfectly. Revenge is a common characteristic in movies because most people like comeback stories.

Frank Castle got a new identity and started working as a construction worker. He is a very sad and angry man. In one episode you can really see the anger in him because he gets to work early and stays late breaking down cement walls with a sledge hammer. Later in that episode he was at the construction site in the middle of the night getting his anger out. He saw some fellow coworkers trying to kill another coworker by throwing him in the back of a cement truck. He kills all of them and saves the man in the back of the cement truck. This is the start of the show and begins the storyline.

A man that goes by the name of Micro is another main character in the show. He was also turned on by corrupt people. He found Frank Castle and wanted to team up with the people that crossed both him and Frank. Micro was shot in the chest and then fell into a river. Luckily for him, he had his cell phone in his shirt pocket and the bullet hit the phone and did not penetrate his body. He couldn’t go back to his house and family because his family would be killed if they knew what had really happened to him. Micro and Frank make a good team because Frank is a former marine with unique skills sets, while Micro is an advanced computer hacker that can hack into just about anything.

While Frank Castle and Micro are teaming up, there is another storyline taking place. Agent Madani and agent Stein are go looking for Frank Castle. Everyone believed that Frank Castle was dead, but agent Madani knew he was not. She was wanted to take him down because she believed he was a criminal. When she started to do more research on him she found interesting information. She found out that he was set up and by higher up people. She started investigating on these corrupt people and wanted to take them down after her partner agent stein was killed. She is now wanting to team up with Frank Castle to take down these people.

This show is a great and intense show that as many twist and turns throughout the first and only season available. It shows the how motivating revenge can be.


  1. Hey Joe, could you fix the formatting on this?

  2. This looks like such a good show! Very thrilling! I'm totally going to have to watch this the crew! Maybe I can get Lucas or Will to watch it with me. Sounds like something good to watch before Dungeons and Dragons. Maybe Steve would like this show? If he likes it, I like it.
